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Virtual Gatherings

In the Loop

In the Loop is a lineup of monthly gatherings and conversations for CSI member school leaders. This virtual format allows leaders in similar roles from our community of CSI schools to gather, grow, learn, and share. 

5 Marketing Principles Proven to Grow Your School

Thursday, September 21 at 12:30 p.m. EST

In this talk, Oscar Quesada, a StoryBrand Certified Guide, will share five marketing principles proven to grow organizations. You’ll walk away knowing how to capture your target audience’s attention and compel them to engage. Stop worrying about your marketing, and start feeling hopeful about your work again.

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Headshot of Oscar Quesada

Born and raised in Heredia, Costa Rica, Oscar Quesada understands the frustration schools face when investing in strategies that yield poor results. Witnessing the challenges schools encounter with misleading marketing tactics, Oscar took action, establishing Lifedge LLC in 2017. Lifedge serves many small businesses and nonprofits with the vision of walking alongside, building an edge and breathing new life into branding and marketing resources.

How Better Policies Can Advance Your School’s Mission, Prevent Controversies, and Project Your Religious Liberty

Thursday, October 19 at 12:30 p.m. EST

Over the past ten years, Eric has helped dozens of Christian schools and other ministries clarify their religious mission and better integrate that mission into its communications with employees, parents, and students. Eric’s presentation will summarize some of the biggest lessons he’s learned and why he is convinced that undergoing a “mission audit” is a great way for Christian schools to improve morale, increase engagement, and protect the school from legal attacks.

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Headshot of Erik Kniffin

Through his work at the US Department of Justice, at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, and in private practice, Eric Kniffin has worked with a wide range of religious institutions in over thirty states—including denominations, national conferences, colleges, K–12 schools, social service organizations, and businesses—to help them better understand their rights and developing strategies to protect their religious mission. 

F.E.W. = JOY

Thursday, November 16 at 12:30 p.m. EDT

Join Jon Eckert as he shows how unleashing joy in schools by addressing feedback, engagement, and well-being (FEW) for each student builds school culture. Be encouraged and get some practical ideas for FEW for each student from the book, Just Teaching, as we walk alongside students to catalyze their growth to become all they were created to be. As Christians in education, we should be leading the way in cultivating joyful school communities.

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Headshot of Jon Eckert

Jon Eckert, Ed.D., is Professor of Educational Leadership, and the Lynda and Robert Copple Endowed Chair for Christians in School Leadership at Baylor University. With the Center for Christian Education, he is developing academies, institutes, improvement communities, and degree programs that serve Christians in diverse school contexts. His research interests include collective leadership, teaching effectiveness, evaluation, and strategic compensation. Dr. Eckert has worked with public and independent schools to develop leadership and systems that improve outcomes for students. He is the author of several books and numerous peer-reviewed articles.

Save the following 2024 dates for the spring offerings that include topics from athletics to faith development, technology to enrollment, and admissions:

January 18

February 15

March 21

April 18

May 15